Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

What a Wreck-Age!

this week we have another very exciting give-away for you!

Our friends over at Hyacinth Games kindly donated a set of their whole range of Wreck-Age miniatures!

Imagine for a moment: A Sci-fi world based on the premise that the rich and powerful have abandoned earth. 150 years ago, a mass Exodus of Seed Ships left a polluted and war-ravenged Earth to seek out distant habitable planets. The billions left behind were forced to fend for themselves, fighting internal as well as external forces. Now, over a century later, there are only a relative handful left. The population levels of Earth mimic that of the Stone Age, and in some cases, so do the inhabitants. Technology is scarce, and true knowledge is even more-so. History is passed down by word-of mouth, or gleaned from found data sources.

Check out more about Wreck-Age and Hyacinth Games at their website!

This bundle does not include just Boars loaded with explosives and all kind of other post-apoclayptic fun, but also the Kickstarter-exclusive Staker model and the AdeptiCon-exclusive Drifter Chieftain!

Make your contribution until sunday 29th of July 12 pm EST and you are in the drawing for this prize! And of course if you already made a contribution you are in the drawing, too.

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