Sonntag, 26. August 2012

Change of Plan

No worries, everything is going fine :)

But some of us, like Justin from Secret Weapon Miniatures, are very busy people.Sadly, something went terribly wrong with teh delivery of the Dreadnought he was supposed to paint, and now he has other obligations that keep him from finishing his contribution.

Justin is not just a very generous genbtleman who sponsored all of the bases for our army and promised us a miniature, too, he is also a gentleman who keeps his promises. Therefore, instead of contributing a Nurgle-dedicated Dreadnought, he will paint a vehicle for the winner to his specifications!

Just to give you a taste of what kind of magic he can work, look at this:

5 Kommentare:

  1. If needed I can paint up the Dread..... I have no other commisions right now and would LOVE to help out.

  2. Thanks a lot for the offer, but the campaign will end in a couple of days ;)

  3. DOH!!!! Ok then.... Count me in on Next years??? ;)

  4. Justin rocks, and his company makes great products.
